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What is an Advocate?


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An advocate is someone who will listen and talk to you to understand fully what your problem or difficulty may be. They can work with you to try to solve the problem or difficulty in a way that you are comfortable with. An advocate can support you to say what your opinion or wish is, or if you are not confident to speak out, they can speak up on your behalf.

Our advocates at NWAAA

• We are independent, which means that we are not influenced or controlled by Social Services or anyone else.

• We will always treat you and your opinions, with respect. We will not judge you in any way.

• We can support you to deal with a problem the way you want.

This is self-advocacy and empowers you to have control over how your problem is dealt with. It can help to give you the confidence to deal with future issues on your own.

• We will work with strict confidentiality, which means that whatever you discuss with us, will not be shared with anyone else without your permission. If however our advocate believes that you, or anyone else, are at risk of abuse or neglect, we may decide to pass the concern on to another person or organisation.

• We will not advise you on what to do, but will find information to help you to decide what your best way forward is.



Your relationship with your advocate is confidential. Your advocate is there for you.