Tel : 01248 670852

Direct Payments

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Direct Payments Support Service

We provide a Direct Payment Support Service for people living in Anglesey.

Direct Payments are a way of paying for care and support needs that gives the person more control. Social Services assess the person’s needs, work out how much it would cost to meet those needs, then give the money to the person so they can be in control. This money is called a Direct Payment. For more information visit the Anglesey Council website here.

We can help people who receive Direct Payments, or are looking into Direct Payments. Our Support Service provides different levels of support, depending on what the person wants.

We can:

  • Help people understand what a Direct Payment is and how it will affect them
  • Help someone set up a Direct Payment
  • Put people in touch with other organisations that can offer formal advice and guidance
  • Give support and advice about a person’s responsibilities
  • Support with payroll and some administration
  • Provide Managed Accounts
  • Give on-going advocacy support to keep the Direct payment working

Managed Accounts

Some people on Direct Payments want support to manage staff payments and associated administration. Our Managed Accounts service means that NWAAA hold the Direct Payment money in a secure account. We then make support staff payments and take care of National Insurance contributions and other HMRC requirements.

If you feel someone needs a referral, please phone us to discuss 01248 670852